The Ultimate IB Biology Internal Assessment Checklist

Whether you are starting to plan your IB Biology Internal Assessment (IA) or are about to start your write-up, our ultimate IB Biology Internal Assessment Checklist can ensure you don’t miss out on any of those valuable IA points. Written by experienced IB Biology teacher, Ashby Merson-Davies, and extracted from his Peak IB study guide, Biology Internal Assessment SL & HL, the following IB Biology IA checklist offers a comprehensive review of the things you will need to cover at both Standard and Higher Levels. Pay particular attention to the practical headings above the key questions as these also serve as a template for how to successfully structure your report.

When starting to plan your IB Biology Internal Assessment, review these questions to make sure you start off on the right track, and definitely ask yourself these questions before submitting your final work to make sure you haven’t missed anything essential.

Personal Engagement

This section provides the background to your choice of research question for your IB Biology Internal Assessment.

Key questions:


How have you explored various parts of your IA including the research question, background information, variables, your hypothesis, the apparatus, the risk assessment, and the method you used.

Research question key questions:

Background Information key questions:

Variables key questions:

Hypothesis key questions:

Apparatus key questions:

Risk Assessment – safety, ethical and environmental issues key questions:

Method key questions:

Don’t give away easy points, see our article How to present your IB Biology IA Method, for specific guidance on how to successfully write this section of your IB Biology IA write-up.


Check to make sure you have presented your results and analysis clearly and in line with requirements.

Key questions:


Ensure you present a thorough evaluation of your work and explain the conclusions you have made.

Conclusion key questions:

Justification of the Conclusion key questions:

Evaluation of the Method key questions:


Extending the Investigation key questions:

Next Steps

We hope our IB Biology IA checklist has been useful! If you’re looking for more in-depth guidance on how to write a successful IB Biology Internal Assessment write-up, check out our Biology Internal Assessment SL & HL Student Guide. The guide covers everything you need to know from the best IB Biology IA structure to how to successfully collect and analyse data, to how to present your findings clearly and accurately. For more helpful resources about how to succeed in IB Biology bookmark our IB Biology Resource page. Good luck!