Sample Birth Affidavit by Uncle for US Green Card

Sample Birth Affidavit by Uncle for US Green Card

I, the undersigned, Mr. SHAH Kantilal Ramnikbhai, aged – 63 years, Hindu by religion, residing at C-280 Jagdambe Nagar, Rakhiyal, Ahmedabad 385432, India, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath that:

    I am the deponent herein and a citizen of India.

So I do hereby solemnly affirm that foregoing are true and correct statements.

Place: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Date: May 30, 2019

Note: The above affidavit is just a sample. The Microsoft Word template below has been provided solely as a formatting template and is formatted in such a way that you can directly print on to the standard stamp paper used in India so that you don’t have to go through the hassle of a manual typewriter. It is not for filling in the blanks because your situation will vary.

You should modify the wording accordingly and make your own document. Different sample affidavits on this web site by different relatives try to cover a few different scenarios. Therefore, the sample affidavits for the same person vary. However, you should try to make consistent affidavits for your particular case.

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