Letters of recommendation (for students)

Whatever you are applying for, obtaining a strong letter of recommendation is a key component of whether you will be successful. Asking for a letter can be intimidating. What if the professor says no? Or is very busy? Here is information to share with your letter writer to make it easier for them to say “Yes” AND to write a great letter:

What if the deadline is approaching and they haven’t submitted their letter yet?

A polite reminder is generally appreciated. You can always send them an updated version of your application essay(s) as a reason for the reminder.

What if I’m not sure the person I’m asking will say yes?

Give your letter writer an out. Here’s a sample approach: “I am applying for X. They have asked for recommendation letters to be sent by X date. You know my work well from our past experience X, so I was wondering if you would be able to write a strong letter of recommendation for me. I know that you have a lot going on right now, so I understand if the timing does not work.” (Sample approach is from Obtaining Outstanding Recommendations in Inside HigherEd.

What if a professor has already written several letters for me. Should I ask someone else?

No! If they have written several letters for you, they already have a letter they can easily adapt for another opportunity. You want to ask the people who are going to write the best letters, so don’t worry about asking for more than one letter. Of course, be sure to thank them after each letter submission, and let them know the outcome!