Occasionally, I write letters that I actually print out and send by snail mail :). I'd like them to look as formal as possible. Archaic (pre-typewriter) Dutch customs require the sender's address to be in the top left corner and the recipient's in the top right. The place and date should be aligned with the recipient's address. The sign off ("Yours truly") should also be aligned with that. Of course there are also specific rules for the amount of vertical whitespace. Does anyone know of a good package that lets me customize all this stuff, preferably in a .sty file or something that I can include, so I don't have to do it again for every letter?
90.2k 26 26 gold badges 256 256 silver badges 291 291 bronze badges asked Jul 26, 2010 at 20:55 677 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 9 9 bronze badgesMost sites point to the options below for formal letters:
Here is my .tex code for a formal letter or an invoice based on scrlttr2 (part of KOMA-script). I found the package flexible enough for my needs.
\documentclass[brief] \setkomavar \setkomavar[email protected]> \setkomavar \setkomavar \setkomavar \setkomavar \setkomavar \begin \begin \opening Bla bla bla . \closing \end \end
I'd like to add another tex letter source with a logo on the top-left and rulers, based on newlfm Remember to put a logo.pdf in the same folder of it otherwise it will complain:
\documentclass[10pt,stdletter] \usepackage \widowpenalty=1000 \clubpenalty=1000 \newsavebox <\Luiuc>\sbox<\Luiuc>% \includegraphics[scale=1.0,ext=.pdf] % >% >% \makeletterhead<\Lheader<\usebox<\Luiuc>>> \newlfmP \newlfmP \newlfmP \newlfmP \newlfmP \PhrPhone \PhrEmail \lthUiuc \namefrom \addrfrom \phonefrom \emailfrom[email protected]> \addrto \greetto \closeline \begin \begin Let's talk about Italian developers. \\ Let's assume they are talented. \\ Let's assume they are skilled. \\ Let's assume they have a good government. \\ Ok Let's talk about real things. \end \end