The School Psychology program at Miami University is located in the Department of Educational Psychology in the College of Education, Health, and Society.
The department includes full-time faculty members in the following six programs of study:
Professor Noltemeyer received her M.S./Ed.S. degrees in School Psychology from Miami University and her Ph.D. in School Psychology from Kent State University. She has experience working as a school psychologist and educational consultant. Amity's interests include Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), equity in school discipline, school climate, and resilience. She has taught courses on consultation, assessment, research, and the role of the school psychologist. Professor Noltemeyer has previously served as President of the Ohio School Psychologists Association, co-manager of several externally funded grants, and Editor-in-Chief of School Psychology International journal.
Assistant Professor Dillon is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati's School Psychology Ph.D. program and completed her post-doctoral work at Ohio University's Center for Intervention Research in Schools. Her research focuses on intervention fidelity of academic and behavioral interventions and supports in schools. Her secondary research focus is on integrating technology within graduate student training. She is a co-chair of Division 16's Women in Psychology committee and has been involved in NASP communities and Interest Groups.
Associate Clinical Professor Mezher received her M.S. and Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in the Kelly O'Leary Center for Autism Spectrum Disorder at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and is a licensed psychologist in the state of Ohio. She also participated in an interdisciplinary training program called LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopment and Related Disabilities). Katy's interests include early intervention, autism spectrum disorder, and developmental disabilities, interdisciplinary work, coordination of care, and individual academic and behavior interventions. She has taught 12 courses at Miami, including but not limited to behavior intervention, education of individuals with exceptionalities, assessment, and educational research. She currently serves as the School Psychology Internship Coordinator and the Departmental Graduate Director.
Assistant Professor Sabnis received his Ph.D. degree in School Psychology from the University of South Florida. He is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). Sujay's research interests include critical race theory, critical qualitative methodologies, consultation, and policy analysis in K-12 public education. He teaches courses on consultation, multiculturalism, school experiences, and school psychology practicum.
Instructor Siler’s education includes a BS in psychology, and an MEd and a PhD in school psychology from the University of Cincinnati. He also completed coursework at Xavier University to obtain a supervisor’s license and a principal’s license; additionally he is a licensed psychologist with the Ohio Board of Psychology. Randy supervises school psychologists, occupational therapists (OTs), physical therapists (PTs), special education teachers, and paraprofessionals assisting special education teachers for the CCESC.
His primary responsibilities include hiring, evaluating, and providing leadership for each group. In addition to school psychologists, OTs, PTs, teachers and assistants/attendants, Randy provides site supervision of intern school psychologists from multiple universities. His teaching interests include assessment, intervention and mental health intervention in the school setting, and has co-led the Clermont County Crisis Response Team for the past 25 years.
Mona Burts-Beatty is an educational consultant through the Ohio Department of Education State Support Team Region 13. She is employed through the Hamilton County Educational Service Center (HCESC), where she has spent the first 15 years of her career using her knowledge and skills, acquired as a school psychologist, across various educational environments such as: preschool through high school, private and public school settings, separate education and mental health facilities, and detention centers.
Mona Burts-Beatty has spent the last 6 years of her career as a state consultant where she uses her skill set to improve systemic educational structures to improve the outcomes of students and families at the state, district and building level. Some of her work includes but is not limited to: strategic improvement support and planning (Ohio Improvement Process), Positive Behavioral Intervention Support (PBIS), Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP), compliance (state comprehensive and on site reviews, state complaints, special education, evaluations, individualized education plans, and transitions), consultation and data analysis, progress monitoring, etc.).
She also serves on state work groups (e.g., compliance team, PBIS network, Tier 3 work group, and Regional Literacy Team) and is an adjunct instructor/guest lecturer at both Xavier and Miami University (Oxford and Hamilton Campus), etc.