Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education (CE) is defined by ACNM as a learning experience beyond basic midwifery education, intended for CNMs/CMs. ACNM-approved CEs are those officially recognized by the Continuing Education Committee (CEC) of the ACNM Division of Advancement of Midwifery. This does not imply individual state recognition for nursing CEs.

Continuing education is considered formal education programs/activities for professional development and training, or for credentialing, for which academic credit is not awarded. The educational experience should be designed to enlarge upon and go beyond the professional knowledge and skills learned in a midwifery education program, refresher course or internship, and/or to be outside of or in addition to routine professional obligations and responsibilities. Continuing education activities should promote professional goals for increased competency and excellence and should be characterized by programs designed to introduce newly emerging concepts, principles, theories, and research in health care.

Interested in providing ACNM CE credits to your course?

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about the CE courses or CE application.