Alcohol and Other Drugs

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management


The possession, consumption, manufacture, sale, and/or distribution of alcohol, marijuana in any form, illicit drugs and/or illicit drug paraphernalia are prohibited. This policy applies to:

While it is now lawful in the State of Minnesota to possess and consume edible cannabinoid products and to possess, transport and use cannabis in certain locations by those individuals 21 years of age or older it is still illegal under federal law, with no exception for medical use. In order to comply with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act all use, transport and possession of any type or form of marijuana on University property or at University sponsored events is prohibited and violators are subject to disciplinary action if they violate this policy.

The jurisdiction of the policy shall be consistent with the criteria established in Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Policy 3.6 Student Conduct, Part 2 and shall be applied to the off campus behaviors of both students and employees for the violation of the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy when: